Code Documentation

class base.Foundation[source]

This class contains common features of all modules.


Returns a list. The list consists of all symbolic tools present among ‘sympy’,’sage’ and ‘symengine’.

class interpolation.Interpolation(var, env='sympy')[source]

The Interpolation class provides polynomial interpolation routines in multi variate case.

var is the list of symbolic variables and env is the the symbolic tool.


Construct the matrix corresponding to idx’th point, if idx>0 Otherwise returns the discriminant.

Interpolate(points, vals)[source]

Takes a list of points points and corresponding list of values vals and return the interpolant.

Since in multivariate case, there is a constraint on the number of points, it checks for the valididty of the input. In case of failure, describes the type of error occured according to the inputs.


Returns the minimum number of points still required.


Generates the minimal set of monomials for interpolation.

class graphics.Graphics(env='numeric', numpoints=50)[source]

This class tends to provide basic graphic tools based on matplotlib and mayavi.

Accepts one optional argument env which determines the types of the function to be visualized:

  • numeric: is a numerical function (regular python functions)
  • sympy: Sympy symbolic function
  • sage: Sage symbolic function
ParamPlot2D(funcs, rng, color='blue', legend='', thickness=1)[source]

Appends a parametric curve to the Graphics object. The parameters are as follows:

  • funcs: the tupleof functions to be plotted,
  • rng: a triple of the form (t, a, b), where t is the funcs’s independents variable, over the range [a, b],
  • color: the color of the current curve,
  • legend: the text for the legend of the current crve.
Plot2D(func, xrng, color='blue', legend='', thickness=1)[source]

Appends a curve to the Graphics object. The parameters are as follows:

  • func: the function to be plotted,
  • xrng: a triple of the form (x, a, b), where x is the func’s independents variable, over the range [a, b],
  • color: the color of the current curve,
  • legend: the text for the legend of the current crve.
Plot3D(func, xrng, yrng)[source]

Sets a surface to the Graphics object. The parameters are as follows:

  • func: the function to be plotted,
  • xrng: a triple of the form (x, a, b), where x is the first func`s independents variable, over the range `[a, b],
  • yrng: a triple of the form (y, c, d), where x is the second func’s independents variable, over the range [c, d].
Point(pnts, color='blue', marker='o', legend='')[source]

Adds a list of points to the plot.


Sets the label for X axis


Sets the label for Y axis


Sets the label for Z axis


Sets the title of the graph.


Shows an interavtive demo of the 3D surface, using mayavi, so it requires mayavi for python to be installed.


Saves the outpu of the Graphics object to the file fname.