Source code for interpolation

[docs]class Interpolation: """ The ``Interpolation`` class provides polynomial interpolation routines in multi variate case. `var` is the list of symbolic variables and `env` is the the symbolic tool. """ def __init__(self, var, env="sympy"): """ `var` is the list of symbolic variables and `env` is the the symbolic tool. """ self.Env = env self.Vars = var self.num_vars = len(var) = 1
[docs] def Interpolate(self, points, vals): """ Takes a list of points `points` and corresponding list of values `vals` and return the interpolant. Since in multivariate case, there is a constraint on the number of points, it checks for the valididty of the input. In case of failure, describes the type of error occured according to the inputs. """ assert len( points) > 0, "Unable to interpolate over an empty set of points." assert len(points) == len( vals), "Number of points anf provided values does not match." # check dimension consistency if len(points[0]) != self.num_vars: raise Exception( "The given points must be %d dimensional." % (self.num_vars)) self.num_points = len(points) # the least number of extra points required mnp = self.MinNumPoints() # check the sufficiency of points if mnp > 0: raise Exception("At least %d more points and values required") self.Points = points self.Monomials() delta = self.Delta() if delta == 0: raise Exception("Cannot find a unique interpolant.") p = 0 for i in range(self.num_points): p += vals[i] * self.Delta(i) / delta return p
[docs] def MinNumPoints(self): """ Returns the minimum number of points still required. """ from scipy.special import binom m = self.num_vars n = 1 r = binom(m + n, n) while r < self.num_points: n += 1 r = binom(m + n, n) = n return int(r - self.num_points)
[docs] def Monomials(self): """ Generates the minimal set of monomials for interpolation. """ from itertools import product B = [] for o in product(range( + 1), repeat=self.num_vars): if sum(o) <= T_ = 1 for idx in range(self.num_vars): T_ *= self.Vars[idx]**o[idx] B.append(T_) self.MonoBase = B
[docs] def Delta(self, idx=-1): """ Construct the matrix corresponding to `idx`'th point, if `idx>0` Otherwise returns the discriminant. """ if self.Env == 'sympy': from sympy import Matrix, Subs elif self.Env == 'symengine': from symengine import Matrix, Subs M = [] for j in range(self.num_points): pnt = self.Points[j] row = [] for mon in self.MonoBase: if j != idx: chng = {self.Vars[i]: pnt[i] for i in range(self.num_vars)} row.append(mon.subs(chng)) else: row.append(mon) M.append(row) Mtx = Matrix(M) return Mtx.det()